Friday, May 24, 2013

The Wedding and the New Plan

After Romeo slays Tybalt, he hides in Friar Laurence's cell for safety. He weeps at his exile and exaggerates everything he says. For example, he would rather die than be exiled. Friar Laurence, comes up with a plan for him to regroup them up. The plan he makes is for Romeo to head to Juliet before going to Mantua and then he waits a few years. Friar Laurence will then let Juliet know of his plans for her when he is allowed to come back. After, Romeo heads to her eagerly, like a child receiving candy. Before Juliet's parents come, he descends down and becomes a "man" from there on. When he leaves, he lets her father know she will wed Paris, which excites him. He immediately moves the marriage to a day later because he thinks she is really excited. She then goes to Friar Laurence for a solution, and his plan for her is for her to drink the potion, and then her to be "dead", so when she wakes up she will reunite with Romeo and be wed. Romeo doesn't know of this, so he waits impatiently. On Wednesday, she drinks the potion at night before the wedding with Paris with many fears like she will wake up early or it won't work.

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