Wednesday, May 8, 2013

The fight and Paris's proposal to Juliet

The fight in the beginning between the Capulet's and Montague's has roused my attention from the start of the story. It was started quickly out of the blue when one of the Capulet's servants bit their thumb at a Montague (Known as flipping the bird or middle finger).  Benvolio, who is Romeo's cousin, tries to stop the fight, but  Tybalt decides to pursue; eventually it is stopped when the Prince comes and  declares death to either side if they start a commotion again. Later, Romeo comes in depressed about unrequited love with Rosaline, and I think he is overreacting, and being very dramatic about it. When Benvolio says he feels sad for him, Romeo  feels even more bad. This just shows even more of how dramatic he is. During his chat with Benvolio, he doesn't know about Paris's proposal to Juliet or even know who they are. I believe this might cause more problems later on, but I'll probably not find out until around act 3.
The Fight Scene

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